12 Things Every Landlord and Property Manager Needs to Know About Water Submetering

Water submetering is a method of measuring and monitoring individual water consumption within a multi-unit property, such as an apartment building or condominium complex. It provides several benefits, including accurate billing, promoting water conservation, and reducing disputes among tenants. Here are key things to know about water submetering:
- How It Works:
- Water submetering involves installing individual water meters for each unit or subunit within a larger property.
- These meters measure the amount of water consumed by each tenant or subunit separately.
- Data from these meters can be collected manually or automatically through remote reading systems.
- Billing Accuracy:
- Submetering allows property owners to bill tenants based on their actual water usage rather than a flat fee.
- This promotes fairness and transparency in billing and can reduce disputes over water charges.
- Conservation Incentive:
- When tenants are directly responsible for their water bills, they are more likely to be conscious of their water usage.
- This can lead to reduced water consumption and, in turn, lower utility bills for both tenants and property owners.
- Environmental Benefits:
- Water submetering can contribute to water conservation efforts by encouraging responsible water use.
- Reduced water consumption helps conserve local water resources and lowers the environmental impact.
- Legal and Regulatory Considerations:
- Regulations regarding water submetering can vary by region and jurisdiction.
- Property owners must comply with local laws and regulations when implementing submetering systems.
- Installation Costs:
- Installing individual water meters can be an upfront expense for property owners.
- However, these costs can often be recouped through increased rental income and reduced water expenses over time.
- Maintenance and Monitoring:
- Regular maintenance of submetering equipment is essential to ensure accurate readings.
- Property owners or managers should also monitor the data collected to identify irregularities or leaks promptly.
- Data Management:
- Submetering systems may provide data on water usage, which can be valuable for property management decisions.
- Access to this data may be through software platforms or remote monitoring systems.
- Tenant Education:
- Property owners should communicate with tenants about the installation of submeters, how they work, and the benefits of responsible water usage.
- Privacy and Data Security:
- Property owners should take measures to protect the privacy and security of tenant data collected through submetering systems.
- Return on Investment (ROI):
- Property owners should assess the potential ROI of submetering, taking into account installation costs, ongoing maintenance, and expected savings.
- Compliance with Utility Companies:
- Property owners should coordinate with utility companies to ensure they are in compliance with any regulations related to submetering and billing.
In summary, water submetering is a valuable tool for property owners looking to accurately bill tenants for water usage, promote conservation, and reduce operational costs. However, it requires careful planning, compliance with regulations, and ongoing maintenance to be effective.
If you would like to understand how water submetering can help your real estate portfolio set up a free consultation call - book one now https://waterbillsolutions.com/pages/contact-us